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2nd Grade Block






Tuesday & Thursday


Art Room


$81.25/week for 32 weeks and a one-time fee $50 supply fee

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Caitlyn Zappia

Welcome to Second Grade at The Center!  As a class, we will cover the foundational skills needed for success in reading, comprehension,spelling/phonics, writing, and arithmetic. Our engaging lessons will  reinforce, build upon prior knowledge through games, worksheets, individualized reading books, themed units, homework, and hands-on activities.

Second Grade will be using The Good and The Beautiful curriculum for math and language arts. Please have these materials purchased before the first day of school, as we will be using them in the classroom and at home.

We will have clear, monthly goals for the students, making it easier for the parents to work with their child at home three days a week. Sight words and spelling words will be divided equally across the 32 weeks, with check-ups along the way. Parents will be able to monitor their child's success throughout the year.


Parents will need to attend a mandatory class orientation before the first week of class. As parents and teachers work together as a team, your child will be encouraged and challenged but not overwhelmed.

Each student will have a take-home binder that will facilitate learning between the Center and your school at home. We will provide clear goals, structured activities, assessments, newsletters, and consistent communication. Children will have math & literacy homework of roughly 90 minutes per week (30 minutes for each day not in class) sent home weekly.

Students will need to bring a backpack, water bottle, and snack to class each day. They will need to dress comfortably for outside playtime.

Required Curriculum:

The Good and the Beautiful : Math 2 Course Set - $58.98

The Good and the Beautiful : Level 2 Language Arts Course Set - $69.97

© The Center for Home Education

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