Donna Jones
Donna Jones is the Director and Owner of the Center for Home Education. She has a Master of Science in Social Work and spent almost 6 years with CPS and another 6 years with MHMR where she served as the Clinical Supervisor of the outpatient mental health program. She began homeschooling in 1997 after the birth of her 3rd child. At the time, she had a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a newborn. She continued to homeschool all of her children all the way until graduation. Her last child graduated in 2015, concluding 19 years of home educating her own children. Her work with homeschooling was not finished, however!
Donna became the owner of the Center in 2015. She's passionate about all things homeschool-related and is serious about the freedoms that we have been given to home educate our children in Texas! We are completely free to educate our children however we believe is the best! She thanks God daily for our freedoms! Donna is also passionate about empowering parents to home educate their children without drama!! Parents can tap into a child's natural, God-given curiosity to learn, without the drama, fights, tears, and mind-numbing boredom! Tapping into a growing child's interests and passions is key to helping them find their place and the life-journey that God has in store for them. Celebrating the differences in each child is so much fun! We are all different, learn differently, and think differently, and will have different contributions to our community. If we start comparing the way we homeschool with the way someone else homeschools, we rob our families of God’s gift of uniqueness! She loves to help parents navigate homeschooling with as little stress as possible! Donna has been known to sit with a parent, have coffee, talk, and pray! She makes herself available to anyone and everyone!